About Us

Golf Course Terrace Estates Neighborhood Association

                 I.                    History
               II.                    Contact Information
             III.                    Mission
            IV.                    Goals
              V.                    Objectives
            VI.                    Officers
           VII.                    Executive Board Members
         VIII.                    Standing Committees

I.               History

Serving 1700 residences and nearly 5,000 residents, the Golf Course Terrace Estates Neighborhood Association (GCTENA) was founded in 1992 to enhance the quality of life and sense of community within the neighborhood surrounded by the Executive Airport/47th Avenue, Florin Road, Freeport Boulevard, and 24th Street in Sacramento, California.

Since 1992, GCTENA has hosted quarterly general meetings and presented countless speakers; distributed tens of thousands of newsletters and flyers throughout the neighborhood; supported neighborhood schools, parks, and resources; advocated for the neighborhood at county, city, and community meetings and with officials; organized Neighborhood Watch, recruited Block captains; coordinated annual neighborhood National Night Out events; provided scores of families with presents and food for Christmas; served hundreds and hundreds of ice cream cones and cups; cleaned up neighborhood streets; coordinated the resolution of code violations, stopped illegal dumping; among many other things.

II.            Contact Information

Email Address:

Web Site:

Unaffiliated Facebook Links:

Unaffiliated Nextdoor Link:

Mailing Address:

Golf Course Terrace Estates Neighborhood Association

Post Office Box 231576; Sacramento, California 95823

III.         Mission

The mission of the Golf Course Terrace Estates Neighborhood Association is to enhance the livability and quality of the area by establishing and maintaining an open line of communication and liaison between the neighborhood, government agencies, and other neighborhoods.

IV.          Goals

·                 Establish and maintain communication between the Association and:

o       Residents and Businesses in the Area

o       Government Officers and Agencies

o       Other Neighborhood Associations

·                 Afford residents an opportunity for meaningful dialogue about matters which affect liveability and quality of living.

·                 Promote educational, charitable, and scientific efforts, which will enhance the neighborhood.

·                 Facilitate neighborhood improvements.

V.             Objectives

1.                Publish Newsletter and Have Quarterly Meetings.

2.                Participate in and Foster Neighborhood Clean-Up/Code Enforcement.

3.                Support Little League and School Needs.

4.                Recognize Neighbors for Outstanding Contributions.

5.                Special Communication to Absentee Owners.

6.                Have A Minimum of 200 Members.

7.                Maintain Representation in All Venues.

VI.          Officers

Gloria Abernethy, Chair

Elizabeth Cronin, Vice Chair

Virginia Guadiana, Secretary

Edward Lapp, Treasurer

Dr. Ernest Lehr, Member-At-Large

VII.       Executive Board Members

Term Expires November
Board Member
Joyce Abel
Gloria Abernethy
June Athey
Bruce Brummett
Elizabeth Cronin
Paula Gardner
Virginia Guadiana
Willard Hart
Glora Jones
Edward Lapp
Ernest Lehr
Emma M. McCree
Tim Mendonsa
Graciela Ross
Blanche Scroggins
Barbara Shaw
Student Advisor

Joyce Abel also serves as GCTENA newsletter editor.

VIII.               Standing Committees

Community Services Committee:

·                 Develop strategies and programs to promote membership in GCTENA, and conduct the annual membership drive and keep a roll of members.

·                 Publish the Newsletter of GCTENA and other publications needed to assist GCTENA.  The Newsletter is a neighborhood newspaper established for the purpose of disseminating information in a timely manner regarding the activities of the association and reporting other matters of interest and concern.

·                 Seek and coordinate volunteers to assist the work for GCTENA.

·                 Plan, organize, promote and produce the community events sponsored by GCTENA.

·                 Spend GCTENA funds for activities or projects under its control, as set forth in GCTENA’s budget by the Executive Committee.

·                 Keep a membership register, showing the names and addresses of all dues paying members.

·                 Establish a Nominations Subcommittee to perform the duties specified in Section 7.4 of these bylaws.

Neighborhood Concerns Committee:

·                 Develop strategies and sponsor programs to respond to issues of concern to the neighborhood, such as traffic safety, home security, zoning, and improvements.

·                 Monitor land use decisions made by the City of Sacramento and its Planning Commission.

Fund Raising Committee:

·                 Assess GCTENA’s funding needs and develop strategies for raising funds.

·                 Research the availability of outside funding sources to help meet GCTENA’s financial needs; actively solicit donations, bequests and grants on behalf of GCTENA; and develop all proposals necessary to secure financial donations/funding from outside sources.

·                 Coordinate with the Community Services Committee developing fundraising projects or events for the benefit of GCTENA.

·                 Negotiate the terms and conditions of GCTENA’s receipt of donations, bequests, and grants; and accept these gifts on behalf of GCTENA.

·                 Spend GCTENA funds for activities or projects under its control, as set forth in GCTENA’s budget by Executive Committee.

Nuisance Abatement/Neighborhood Watch Committee:

·                 Help enforce city codes that promote safe, healthy and attractive neighborhoods: cars, trucks, auto dismantling, garage/yard sales, campers, RVs, boats, trailers, garbage, trash, appliance, and car parts; illegal dumping, weeds, and fences.

·                 Report gang and drug houses, obtain necessary information, and pursue through proper channels to correct the problem.

·                 Coordinate the implementation of Neighborhood Watch program on as many streets in the neighborhood as possible.